UAKD - Uromodulin (UMOD) associated kidney disease 2017

Before approaching genetic testing for UMOD-mutation here are clinical recommendations to check beforehand:

1. There is no active urinary sediment.
2. Kidneys are quite unconspicuous and of normal or nearly normal size in the ultrasound - in 10 - 30% renal cysts are observed.
3. The uric acid serum levels are higher than the chronic kidney disease with reduced eGFR would cause.

Calculation of fractional renal uric acid excretion

Please enter patient data:

Uric acid (serum) [mg/dl] 
Creatinine (serum): [mg/dl]  
Uric acid (urine): [mg/dl]  
Creatinine (urine): [mg/dl]
  (Please use decimal point e.g. 1.5 mg/dl)
Fraktionelle Harnsäure-Ausscheidung:  

Normal values for fractional uric acid excretion in %
Children (3 - 13 yrs): 12.2 ± 5.5 Men: 8.0 ± 3.7 Women: 10.3 ± 4.2

Calculation of the eGFR adjusted "normal" serum uric acid value

eGFR: [ml/min]  
Uric acid: [mg/dl]
  (Please use decimal point e.g. 1.5 mg/dl)

(The eGFR adjusted uric acid level calculation was based on data from Bollee et al CJASN 2011)

For any questions: Email to Lorenz Sellin